
Recent work


•  “7 Secrets of Attraction” (Marlene Green)

•  “12 Ways to Discover What Makes You Tick” (Roni Kugler)

•  “About Drawing” (Mike Pease)

•  “Access Denied: Addressing workplace disparities and discrimination” (Brenda Harrington)

•  “Ageless & Sexy: The Magic of Sensuality” (Sheila Pearl)

•  “A Matter of When” (J. E. Palmer)

•  “An Extraordinary Life: Josephine E. Jones” (Wendy Jones)

•  “Antisexist” (Lynn Schmidt)

•  “Ashes in the Ocean” (Sebastian Slovin)

•  “At Ease: The Guide to a Smooth and Successful Military Transition” (Emily King)

•  “Autism on a Shoestring Budget” (Ymkje Wideman-Van Der Laan)

•  “B+ Diet, The” (Judi Finneran) 

•  “Being Broke Sucks, So Stop It!” (Eric Bailey)

•  “Being Coached: Group and Team Coaching from the Inside” (Holly Williams and Ann Deaton)

•  “Being Unhappy Sucks, So Stop It!” (Eric Bailey) 

•  “Better Leaders, Better Teams” (Sami Bugay) 

•  “Beyond ADHD” (Sam Led)

•  “Beyond Your Shadows of Doubt” (Judy Katz)

•  “Big Impact: A Goal-Setting Guide” (Lorin Beller)

•  “Bikini Talk” (Maria Moscato and Carol Sicbaldi)

•  “Captain, The: A Parable of the Hidden Treasure” (Marty Chiu) 

•  Carlo the Mouse, Books 1-6 (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “Cat That Wanders by Itself, The” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “City Kittens and the Old House Cat, The” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “Civil Society Playbook, The” (Michael Benedict)

•  “Couple's Massage Handbook” (Helen Hodgson)

•  “Culinary Art Portfolio of Josephine E. Jones” (Wendy Jones) 

•  “Dessert Loves Beer” (Thom Pastor)

•  “Do Your Best Coaching” and workbook (Julie Hess and Laura Daley)

•  “Do Your Best Coaching: The Workbook” (Julie Hess and Laura Daley)

•  “Every Woman Should Know Her Options” (Laurie Itkin)

•  “Experience Nature Unplugged” (Sebastian Slovin and Sonya Mohamed)

•  “Fearless Feedback: A Guide for Coaching Leaders to See Themselves More Clearly and Galvanize Growth” (Kosterlitz , Marron, et al. )

•  “Field Guide to Emotions, The” (Dan Newby, Curtis Watkins )

•  “First Year Is the Hardest, The” (Jennifer Raphael)

•  “Forgotten Christmas Tree” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “Genuine Contact Way: Nourishing a Culture of Leadership” (Birgitt Williams)

•  “God Is Here” (Gene Shelburne)

•  “Good Morning, World” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “Gracie's Gone” (Carol Soloway)

•  “Gratitude Heals: A Journal for Inspiration and Guidance” (Linda Roszak Burton)

•  “Hello Emotions!: Stories of Befriending Emotions (Thao Pham and Dan Newby)

•  “High Point: The inside story of Seattle's first green, mixed-income housing neighborhood” (Tom J. Phillips) 

•  “How to Speak Gooder” (Liz Goodgold)

•  “I Watch You” (Ti Guardo) (Sibyl von der Schulenburg)

•  “If Not Now, When? The Retirement Guide You've Been Waiting For” (Ginni Gordon)

•  “Infourge's Compendium of Models and Theories” (Max Palomeque)

•  “Leave Nothing to Chance: 15 Principles for Success” (John Solleder and Foster Owusu) 

•  “Little Girl Praying on the Hill, The” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “Lose Weight for Life” (Janis Pullen)

•  “Losing Sight, Finding Vision” (Sheridan Gates)

•  “Love, Leukemia, and New Life: My Daughter’s Story” (Mary Wilding)

•  “Marlene and Me” (Eugenia Afanador)

•  “Master of Persuasion” (Eric Bailey)

•  “Mastering Self-Discipline” (Brian Peter Brinig)

•  “Mastering the Art of Expert Witness Testimony” (Brian Peter Brinig)

•  “Mastering Your Inner Game” (Bob Donnell)

•  “Matter of When" (John Palmer)

•  “Menachem Begin Remembered” (Hart Hasten)

•  “Mentor's Toolbox, The” (Eric Barker)

•  “Mind Money Strategy, The” (Rich Gaines)

•  “Mysterious Life Inside a Closet, The” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “Near Perfect Body, The” (Roger Shorr)

•  “Playful Leadership” (Rina Zitser)

•  “Power of Character Strengths, The” (Ryan Niemiec, Robert E. McGrath )

•  “Powerful Culture Starts with You, A” (Shahrzad Nooravi)

•  “Pregnancy and Motherhood: Perspectives from Two Afropolitan Women” (Aminata Ndiaye Tall, Yacine Bio-Tchane)

•  “Prison Dialogue, The” (Richard Gayzur) 

•  “Private Heaven, A” (Dave Eagleston)

•  “Quadruplets: A Love Story (Janna Wagner)

•  “Re-thinking Curiosity” (Doug Hensch)

•  “Re-thinking Humility” (Doug Hensch)

•  “Rebuild and Thrive” (Amanda Moon Ellevis)

•  “Reinventing Greatness” (Shari J Goodwin)

•  “Return Home, The: A heartfelt journey into who you truly are” (Miranda J. Barrett)

•  “Rich Young Senator, The” (Trey Bahm)

•  “Royal Palm, The” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “Runaway Clothes” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “Save Your Inner Tortoise” (Carol Courcy)

•  “Shift into Thrive” (Kevin Nourse and Lynn Schmidt)

•  “Shrink Rap: Finding Rhyme and Reason in Our Lives and Relationships” (Neal Mayerson) 

•  “Side Effects: The Art of Surviving Cancer” (Carole Weaver)

•  “Sociopolitical Aspects of Charismatic Renewal in Togo, West Africa” (Dr. Sheila Gillams)

•  “Spark: 5 Essentials to Igniting the Greatness Within” (Tracey C. Jones)

•  “Sparky’s Big News” (Nancy Lapointe) 

•  “Spirituality in the 21st Century” (Frank Daversa)

•  “Stable of Sorrow,” 3rd ed. (Sibyl von der Schulenburg)

•  “Stand in Your Spotlight: An Ode to Living Fully (Jenni Prisk)

•  “Taste of Bread, A” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “That Is How Things Are” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “Thriving from A to Z (Lynn Schmidt)

•  “Undepressed Heart, The” (Heather Bailey)

•  “Unopened Gift, The: A Primer in Emotional Literacy” (Dan Newby, Lucy Nunez)

•  “VUCA Tools for a VUCA World” (Ann Deaton)

•  “Warrant, The” (Trey Bahm)

•  “Wasim the Dream” (Wasim Hajjiri)

•  “We're Put Here to Love” (Janet Bickel)

•  “Who Let the Cookies Out?” (Olga D’Agostino)


•  Activated books and magazines, monthly since 1999 (Activated)

•  “Aging Gracefully and Strong: ABCs of YOUthful Living” (Melinda Silva, MD)

•  “Autism on a Shoestring Budget” (Ymkje Wideman-van der Laan) 

      •  “Baba & Saba: Recollections of How We Arrived at Where We Are” (Marilyn and Stanley Katz)

•  “Book of Chai, The” (Peter Weisz)

•  BKT Annual Report, 2015-2022

•  “Carlo the Mouse on Vacation” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  Cora's Bridal Smart Tips (magazine)

•  Herald Entertainment booklets and brochures

•  “I'm Glad I Got This Far” (Menno Ratzker with Peter Weisz)

•  “If Water Runs Through It, We Do It” (Joey Snider)

•  “Lead Your Way: Practical Coaching Advice” (Karen Watai)

•  “Mission Possible: The Story of Repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (C. Dixon Osburn) 

•  PEEL, Vol. 1: “Pray Powerfully” (Harriet Gordon)

•  “Phyto, the Friendly Firefighter” (Candice Dodge)

•  “Presence-Based Leadership” (Doug Silsbee)

•  “Teeming: How Nature’s Oldest Teams Adapt and Thrive, 2nd ed. (Dr. Tamsin Woolley-Barker)

•  “The Trees Have Hearts” (Olga D’Agostino)

•  “Touched by an Angel: Recollections from My Most Fortunate Life (Dr. Felix Glaubach)

•  “Trading Pit Hand Signals” (Ryan Carlson)

•  “West of Alva” (Dave Eagleston) 

•  “Your Body Is Your Brain” (Amanda Blake)


•  “Electrical Troubleshooting” ProClinic (Interstate Batteries)

•  “Predatory Contracting” (Jonathan Farrar)

•  “A Taste to Remember” cookbook (Phyllis A. Pearson)

•  “Presence-Based Leadership” (Doug Silsbee)

•  “Rants and Retorts” (Anita Samuels)

•  “The Unopened Gift: A Primer in Emotional Literacy” (Dan Newby, Lucy Nunez)

•  “Your Body Is Your Brain” (Amanda Blake)

•  “Why Do They Hate Us?: Making Peace with the Muslim World” (Steve Slocum)

•  “Managing Pipeline Threats” (Clarion)

•  “High Point: The inside story of Seattle's first green, mixed-income housing neighborhood” (Tom J. Phillips) 

•  “Do Your Best Coaching” (Julie Hess and Laura Daley)

•  “Zero Waste for Families: A Practical Guide” (The Zero Waste Family)

•  “Memoried and Storied” (Dr. Judith Reifsteck)


•  “Stonewalled” (Sharyl Attkisson)

•  “The Smear” (Sharyl Attkisson)

•  “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism” (Sharyl Attkisson)

      •  Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails” (Sharyl Attkisson)